HPLC & GC Education

See how Dr. Lee Polite makes chromatography simple


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Chromatography has played a crucial role in advancing new discoveries across various scientific fields. This separation technique is fundamental to innovations in drug discovery, environmental analysis, food safety, and much more.

Chromatography Applications In Pharmaceuticals

Chromatography Applications In Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutical industry is huge in chromatography because in that industry they must by law analyze their raw materials to prove that there's nothing bad in it.
Does Water Show Up In Gas Chromatography?

Does Water Show Up In Gas Chromatography?

So let me answer this a couple different ways. First of all, in a GC our predominant detector, our main detector is the FID, flame ionization detector. The FID cannot see water.
How Do You Improve Resolution In Gas Chromatography?

How Do You Improve Resolution In Gas Chromatography?

That is a great question because resolution means the spacing between the peaks. Remember chromatography is a separation tool. If we can't separate then we don't go on to step two.
Chromatography Applications In Forensics

Chromatography Applications In Forensics

Imagine that you are watching CSI, and the lab technicians run a sample by GC-MS or HPLC in order to get the answer and catch the bad guy. That is an example of a chromatography application in forensics.
Front Tailing HPLC & GC Peaks

Front Tailing HPLC & GC Peaks

Before I talk about front tailing HPLC peaks, aka peak fronting, let’s differentiate peak fronting with peak tailing. What is a peak tail?  That is when the back half, or the later half of a peak tails.  Check out my video HPLC peak tailing.
Using HPLC And GC For Homeland Security

Using HPLC And GC For Homeland Security

How is homeland security related to HPLC and GC? Think about this scenario:  You need to make sure that there are no explosives in the suitcase. How do we find an explosive?
HPLC Peak Tailing

HPLC Peak Tailing

Peak tailing is one of the biggest problems in chromatography. Unfortunately, peaks tail in HPLC.  We don’t want them to tail.  In theory we like to think of peaks as Gaussian shaped and perfectly symmetrical, but in reality just about everything in chromatography has a slight tail on it - about a 5% tail.
GC Method Development Training (Video) – Top 3 Tips

GC Method Development Training (Video) – Top 3 Tips

I’ll give you three quick tips for GC method development. Hi there, it is Lee Polite again from Axion labs and today I am going to answer one of the toughest questions in the GC world.  That is, “how do you develop a method for GC?”
How To Choose An HPLC Column (Video)

How To Choose An HPLC Column (Video)

Need help choosing the right HPLC column? "How do I choose the right HPLC column?" It seems like a tough question and I hear it often. But don't worry! I've been teaching chromatography courses for over 30 years and I'd love to help you out.

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Take the drivers seat of your HPLC/GC and your career.